Bare North Services


Body sugaring by jessica

Have you been sugared yet?

At Bare North Wellness we use Advanced Technique Sugar Paste by Alexandria Professional. This allows your practitioner the ability to customize the sugar paste for each individual and area of the body. It is gentle and comfortable to the skin.

Advanced Technique Body Sugaring hair removal offers numerous unique and diverse benefits! It’s a safe, gentle and more effective way to remove unwanted hair with the added benefit of removing dead skin cells and conditioning the skin. Your skin is left supple, smooth and exfoliated. Plus it helps even out skin tone!

​Unlike waxing, hair is removed in the early anagen (growing) stage at 1/8” or less in the natural direction of growth. This can be done even a few days after shaving!

Extraction in the growing stage allows the hair to stay void of the follicle for a longer period of time. Hair grows-in finer and diminishes over a period of time. This allows for longer time between appointments with less discomfort, less breakage and less irritation.


Click here to see our sugaring options.